Policy Bulletins
T. Randolph Beard and George S. Ford, United States v. Apple: A Review of the DOJ's Case, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 71 (October 2024).
[pdf] [press release]
T. Randolph Beard, George S. Ford and Michael Stern, Meddling with Platforms: Can Antitrust or Regulatory Interventions in Platform Design Improve Economic Welfare?, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 70 (September 2024).
[pdf] [press release]
George S. Ford and Lawrence J. Spiwak, FCC Overreach in Mobile Device Regulation? A Legal and Economic Analysis, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 69 (September 2024).
[pdf] [press release]
George S. Ford, Economic Impacts of New York's Film Tax Credit, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 68 (May 2024).
[pdf] [press release]
George S. Ford, Amazon: A Monopolist That Undersells Its Competitors?, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 67 (March 2024).
[pdf] [press release]
George S. Ford, Economic Impacts of Georgia's Film Tax Credit, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 66 (February 2024).
[pdf] [press release]
T. Randolph Beard, George S. Ford and Michael Stern, Do Hart-Scott-Rodino Filing Requirements Need Reform?, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 65 (September 2023).
T. Randolph Beard and George S. Ford, Can Self-Preferencing by An Online Retailer Be Detected? A Monte Carlo Simulation, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 64 (June 2023).
[pdf] [press release]
Lawrence J. Spiwak, Pushing the Bounds of Judicial Deference: Some Thoughts on The FTC's New Unfair Methods of Competition Policy Statement, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 63 (January 2023).
[pdf] [press release]
George S. Ford, The Broadband Tribal Gap: An Empirical Evaluation, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 62 (November 2022).
[pdf] [press release]
George S. Ford, Middle-Class Affordability of Broadband: An Empirical Look at the Threshold Question, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 61 (October 2022).
[pdf] [press release]
George S. Ford, Employee Dissatisfaction at the Federal Trade Commission: An Empirical Analysis of Size and Source, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 60 (October 2022).
[pdf] [press release]
Lawrence J. Spiwak, Biting Off More Than It Can Chew? Some Thoughts On The FTC's Advance Notice Of Proposed Rulemaking On "Commercial Surveillance And Data Security", PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 59 (September 2022).
[pdf] [press release]
T. Randolph Beard, George S. Ford and Michael Stern, You Can’t Sell That: Understanding the Economic Consequences of Pending California Assembly Bill No. 437, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 58 (May 2022).
[pdf] [press release]
T. Randolph Beard, George S. Ford and Michael Stern, Product Guidance By Digital Platforms: A Welfare Analysis, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 57 (May 2022).
[pdf] [press release]
George S. Ford, A Comparative Analysis of Mobile Wireless Broadband Speeds in Cities Across the World, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 56 (March 2022).
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George S. Ford and Michael Stern, Policy Failures for Public Safety: New Rules For The 4.9 GHz Band, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 55 (March 2022).
[pdf] [press release]
George S. Ford, A Comparative Analysis of Fixed Broadband Speeds in Cities Across the World, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 54 (February 2022).
[pdf] [press release]
George S. Ford, Electricity Rates and the Funding of Municipal Broadband Networks: An Empirical Analysis, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 53 (June 2021).
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George S. Ford, Race and Broadband Adoption: A Decomposition Analysis, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 52 (May 2021).
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T. Randolph Beard, George S. Ford and Michael Stern, The Day the Music Died (in California): An Analysis of California Assembly Bill AB-1385, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 51 (May 2021).
[pdf] [press release]
T. Randolph Beard, George S. Ford and Michael Stern, Innovation, Exit, and Restrictions on Tech Mergers and Acquisitions, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 50 (March 2021).
[pdf] [press release]
George S. Ford, COVID-19 and Broadband Speeds: A Multi-Country Analysis, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 49 (May 2020).
[pdf] [press release]
George S. Ford, “Relevance” and “Price” as Determinants of Internet Non-Adoption: A Review of the Evidence, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 48 (April 2020).
[pdf] [press release]
T. Randolph Beard, George S. Ford and Michael Stern, Innovation In Spectrum Repurposing: The C-Band As A Principal-Agent Problem, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 47 (September 2019).
[pdf] [press release]
T. Randolph Beard, George S. Ford and Michael Stern, Addressing Spectrum Holdouts With A Transaction Threshold: A Theoretical Analysis, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 46 (July 2019).
[pdf] [press release]
T. Randolph Beard, George S. Ford and Michael Stern, Infrastructure Investment and Franchise Fee Abuse: A Theoretical Analysis, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 45 (April 2019).
[pdf] [press release]
George S. Ford, Is Faster Better? Quantifying the Relationship between Broadband Speed and Economic Growth, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 44 (February 2018).
[pdf] [press release]
George S. Ford, A Retrospective Analysis of Vertical Mergers in Multichannel Video Programming Distribution Markets: The Comcast-NBCU Merger, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 43 (December 2017).
[pdf] [press release]
Lawrence J. Spiwak, USTelecom and its Aftermath, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 42 (June 2017).
[pdf] [press release]
T. Randolph Beard, George S. Ford and Michael Stern, Safe Harbors and the Evolution of Music Retailing, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 41 (March 2017).
[pdf] [press release]
T. Randolph Beard, George S. Ford and Michael Stern, Skin in the Game: Interference, Sunk Investment, and the Repurposing of Radio Spectrum, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 40 (March 2017).
[pdf] [press release]
T. Randolph Beard, George S. Ford and Michael Stern, Promotional Effects and the Determination of Royalty Rates for Music, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 39 (November 2016).
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T. Randolph Beard, George S. Ford and Michael Stern, Private Solutions to Broadband Adoption: An Economic Analysis, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 38 (September 2016).
[pdf] [press release]
George S. Ford and Lawrence J. Spiwak, Section 10 Forbearance: Asking the Right Questions to Get the Right Answers, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 37 (November 2014).
[pdf] [press release]
George S. Ford and Lawrence J. Spiwak, Tariffing Internet Termination: Pricing Implications of Classifying Broadband as a Title II Telecommunications Service, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 36 (September 2014).
[pdf] [press release]
Lawrence J. Spiwak, What Are the Bounds of the FCC’s Authority Over Broadband Service Providers? A Review of the Recent Case Law, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 35 (June 2014).
[pdf] [press release]
George S. Ford and Lawrence J. Spiwak, Will Bidder Exclusion Rules Lead to Higher Auction Revenue? A Review of the Evidence, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 34 (April 2014).
[pdf] [press release]
George S. Ford and Lawrence J. Spiwak, Equalizing Competition Among Competitors: A Review of the DOJ’s Spectrum Screen Ex Parte Filing, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 33 (May 2013).
[pdf] [press release]
T. Randolph Beard, George S. Ford, Lawrence J. Spiwak and Michael Stern, Social Well-Being and IP Theft: A Dynamic Economic Analysis, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 32 (March 2012).
[pdf] [press release]
T. Randolph Beard, George S. Ford, Hyeongwoo Kim, and Lawrence J. Spiwak, Can Government Spending Get America Working Again? An Empirical Investigation, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 31 (November 2011).
[pdf] [press release]
T. Randolph Beard, George S. Ford, Lawrence J. Spiwak, and Michael Stern, Shocks to the Broadband Ecosystem: Implications for Competition and Market Structure, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 30 (September 2011).
[pdf] [press release]
George S. Ford and Lawrence J. Spiwak, Outliving its Usefulness: A Law and Economics Argument for Sunset of Section 629, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 29 (June 2011).
[pdf] [press release]
T. Randolph Beard, George S. Ford, Hyeongwoo Kim, and Lawrence J. Spiwak, Regulatory Expenditures, Economic Growth and Jobs: An Empirical Study, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 28 (April 2011).
[pdf] [Press Release] [one pager] [slides]
George S. Ford, Challenges In Using The National Broadband Map’s Data, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 27 (March 2011).
George S. Ford and Lawrence J. Spiwak, Public Safety or Commercial Use? A Cost/Benefit Framework for the D Block, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 26 (March 2011).
[pdf] [press release] [one pager]
T. Randolph Beard, George S. Ford, Hyeongwoo Kim, Jobs, Jobs, Jobs: Communications Policy and Employment Effects in the Information Sector, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 25 (October 2010).
[pdf] [Press Release]
George S. Ford and Lawrence J. Spiwak, Evaluating Broadband Stimulus and the National Broadband Plan: Establishing Expectations for Broadband Rankings, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 24 (March 2010).
[pdf file] [Press Release]
George S. Ford, Lawrence J. Spiwak and Michael L. Stern, Expanding the Digital Divide: Network Management Regulations and the Size of Providers, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 23 (October 2009).
[pdf file] [Press Release]
T. Randolph Beard and George S. Ford, Do High Call Termination Rates Deter Broadband Deployment? PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 22 (October 2008).
George S. Ford, Thomas M. Koutsky and Lawrence J. Spiwak, Consumers and Wireless Carterfone: An Economic Perspective, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 21 (September 2008).
George S. Ford, Thomas M. Koutsky and Lawrence J. Spiwak, Using Auction Results to Forecast the Impact of Wireless Carterfone Regulation on Wireless Networks, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 20 (Second Edition) (May 2008).
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George S. Ford, Thomas M. Koutsky and Lawrence J. Spiwak, An Economic Approach to Evaluating a National Wireless Regulatory Framework, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 19 (October 2007).
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Thomas M. Koutsky and Lawrence J. Spiwak, Separating Politics from Policy in FCC Merger Reviews: A Basic Legal Primer of the “Public Interest” Standard, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 18 (Second Release, May 2007).
File Type Doc PDF
George S. Ford, Thomas M. Koutsky and Lawrence J. Spiwak, Wireless Net Neutrality: From Carterfone to Cable Boxes, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 17 (April 2007).
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George S. Ford, Thomas M. Koutsky and Lawrence J. Spiwak, The Efficiency Risk of Network Neutrality Rules, PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 16 (May 2006).
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ADDENDUM: PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 13, State-By-State Breakdown of The Consumer Welfare Cost of Franchise Reform Delay (February 2006).
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PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 15: Unnecessary Regulations and the Value of Spectrum: An Economic Evaluation of Lease Term Limits for the Educational Broadband Service, (February 2006).
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PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 14: A La Carte and “Family Tiers” as a Response to a Market Defect in the Multichannel Video Programming Market, (February 2006).
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PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 13: “In Delay There Is No Plenty”: The Consumer Welfare Cost of Franchise Reform Delay, (January 2006).
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PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 12: Franchise Fee Revenues After Video Competition: The “Competition Dividend” for Local Governments (November 2005).
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PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 11: Higher Prices Expected from the Cingular/AT&T Wireless Merger (26 May 2004), and reprinted as T. Randolph Beard, George S. Ford and Richard P. Saba, An Econometric-Driven Merger Simulation: Considerations and Application, 13 Int. J. of the Economics of Business 217 (2006).
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PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 10: Fixed-Mobile “Intermodal” Competition in Telecommunications: Fact or Fiction?, (30 March 2004).
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PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 9: Federalism in Telecommunications Regulation: Effectiveness and Accuracy of State Commission Implementation of TELRIC in Local Telecoms Markets (9 March 2004).
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PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 8: The $10 Billion Benefit of Unbundling: Consumer Surplus Gains from Competitive Pricing Innovations (27 January 2004).
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SBC “cease and desist” letter claiming intellectual property infringement over the Phoenix Center’s use of the descriptive phrase “all-distance”/all you can eat” competition in POLICY BULLETIN No. 8, The $10 Billion Benefit of Unbundling: Consumer Surplus Gains from Competitive Pricing Innovations.
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PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 7: The Positive Effects of Competition on Employment in the Telecommunications Industry (15 October 2003).
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- Comments of Robert W. Crandall and Hal J. Singer [pdf file]
- A Response to Drs. Crandall and Singer [pdf file]
PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 6: UNE-P Drives Bell Investment - A Synthesis Model (17 September 2003)
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- Comments of Drs. Thomas Hazlett (The Manhattan Institute), Arthur Havenner (Univ. California - Davis), and Coleman Bazelon (HHB I)
[pdf file] - R. Carter Hill Comments
[pdf file] - Further Comments of Drs. Thomas Hazlett (the Manhattan Institute), Arthur Havenner (Univ. California - Davis), and Coleman Bazelon (Analysis Group) (HHB II)
[pdf file] - A Response to Drs. Hazlett, Havenner and Bazelon
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PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 5: Competition and Bell Company Investment in Telecommunications Plant: The Effects of UNE-P (Originally released 9 July 2003 and updated 17 September 2003).
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- Hazlett, Havenner and Bazelon Comments
[pdf file] - R. Carter Hill Comments
[pdf file] - Response: PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 6: UNE-P Drives Bell Investment - A Synthesis Model (17 September 2003)
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PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 4: The Truth About Telecommunications Investment after the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (24 June 2003).
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PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 3: The Broadband Loophole - Is Symmetrical Regulation in the Face of Asymmetrical Market Power Good Public Policy ? (19 March 2003).
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PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 2: Telecommunications Stocks and the FCC's Triennial Review (11 March 2003).
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data set [excel file]
PHOENIX CENTER POLICY BULLETIN No. 1: In their Own Words (17 December 2002).
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